The Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach are a 547-bed facility operated as a teaching and speciality hospital by the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. We employ more than 1,300 staff members in 10 organizational units as well as a social paediatrics centre.
Each year, our in-patient services treat around 29,000 and our out-patient services about 50,000 individuals.
The managing director of the clinics of the city of Mönchengladbach is Thorsten Celary. The operations management self-accountably assists him with the management of the enterprise within the scope of its objectives. A supervisory board assumes the role of the controlling entity.
"At the heart of the services we offer are compassionate care, individualised services and professional pain therapy” – that’s the motto of the clinic’s vision. We consider quality priority one.