Over the past decades, the treatment of colon cancer has evolved from general surgery to interdisciplinary, holistic therapy. Today, numerous different professional disciplines are required to ensure the optimum success of treatment. A commission of experts issues guidelines on the basis of the latest scientific insights, based on which the treatment of colon cancer should optimally proceed (S3 Guidelines). The challenge is the networking of all partners in firmly established pathways without neglecting the individual patient interests. This is one of the most important goals of a colon cancer centre.
The Colon Cancer Centre of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach has been a German Cancer Society certified facility since 2017 (Video German Cancer Society). This guarantees a maximum structural, procedural and outcome quality in the treatment of colon cancer. Only a few clinics in Germany have attained this quality seal. Excerpts from a benchmark report of the West German Colon Centre identify “a well-coordinated treatment on a very high medical level” at the Colon Cancer Centre of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach.
In 2018, the Colon Cancer Centre became the first Lower Rhine facility to have at its disposal what we call the da Vinci System. As a result, the percentage of minimally invasive surgeries – especially with rectal cancer – could be increased to point that conventional interventions that require larger cuts into the skin are now the exception. Consequently, colon cancer surgery is usually performed with the assistance of the da Vinci System in a minimally invasive manner.
Use our Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach Colon Cancer Centre website to learn more. We are of course aware of the fact that the Internet cannot stand in for a consultation with a physician.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Your Chief Physicians