Since the end of the 1970s, clinic hygiene has been an established professional discipline at the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach. The department’s central responsibility is the prevention of the development and transmission of infections. It implements and monitors pertinent measures. The proliferation of infections and multi-resistant viruses is possible only through the conscientious implementation of preventative measures by every employee who works in patient services.
The tasks of the clinic hygiene staff include:
Our hygiene professionals, physicians commissioned to handle hygiene issues as well as the hygiene officers in the nursing and functional services perform their work on the basis of the German infection protection act – the Krankenhaushygiene-Verordnung NRW – and the guidelines for hospital hygiene and infection prevention of the Robert Koch Institute ( All measures and activities are continually adjusted to the latest scientific updates. Easy-to-understand rules that are mandatory for all employees (Hygiene Plan) are defined by the hygiene commission. The hygiene commission convenes several times each year.
The hygiene team is supported by 8 physicians tasked with hygiene matters in the nursing and functional services. They all have completed special advanced training and are direct contacts in the respective specialized departments.
Multi-resistant viruses frequently cause uncertainty among affected patients and their families. If you have questions related to hygiene measures at the hospital or necessary actions to be taken upon discharge from the hospital, our hygiene professionals will be happy to assist our patients or their families in consultations. To set up an appointment, please contact the team on the station!