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Brief Profile

In 2011, after completing preparatory measures, the certification as a the Continence Centre Mönchengladbach-Lower Rhine by the competent professional society, the Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e.V., could be attained in record time. The Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology is the primary coordinator of this interdisciplinary facility of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach GmbH. The centre is a regional and supra-regional interdisciplinary institution dedicated to the research, advanced and continue training as well as the diagnostic, treatment and therapy of problems related to urinary and stool incontinence. Its objectives are the optimization of diagnostics, treatment and the provision of care to incontinent patients through the close interdisciplinary coordination of all areas of expertise related to incontinence services. The Continence and Pelvic Floor Centre boasts special knowledge, experiences and skills resulting from the cooperation of the centres and clinics in the disciplines of incontinence diagnostics and treatment. It is the point of contact for patients. It advises, examines and treats them. It establishes contacts with contract physicians, cooperates interdisciplinarily with other medical departments, such as physical therapists and nurses, provides public information and facilitates continued education and information events.

The following clinics and centres of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach GmbH cooperate on an interdisciplinary basis in the Continence and Pelvic Floor Centre:

  • Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology
    Head Physician Dieter Echtle, MD (consultation, coordination)
  • Gynaecological and Obstetrics Clinic
    Head Physician Harald Lehnen, MD (consultation)
  • Clinic for General, Visceral and Endocrine Surgery
    Head Physician Prof. Olaf Horstmann, MD (consultation)
  • Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
    Head Physician Prof. Huan N. Nguyen, MD (consultation)
  • Paediatric and Adolescents Clinic
    Head Physician Prof. Wolfgang Kölfen, MD (consultation)
  • Clinic for Radiology, Vascular Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
    Head Physician Prof. Dirk Blondin, MD (consultation)
  • Geriatrics Centre
    Head Physician Thomas Jaeger, MD (consultation)

The coordinator and all of the above-mentioned members of the Continence and Pelvic Floor Centre have special knowledge, experiences, skills and scientific qualifications in the disciplines of diagnostics and treatment of urinary and stool incontinence. Special technical, equipment facilities and staff that ensure the effective diagnostic and treatment of urinary and stool incontinence (such as a large video-urodynamic measuring station and an anorectal measuring station) are available.

Awards & Certifications

Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Quality report (ca. 2,8 MB)

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