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Brief Profile

Dear Patients,
Dear Colleagues,

The Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach GmbH offers medical services on a very high to maximum level, surgical excellence and personal consultations. The spectrum of medical services comprises the entire discipline of urology, including all surgical, ablative and reconstructive interventions, with the exception of kidney transplants. In addition, safe for a few exceptions, it offers all urological diagnostic and conservative proceedings, including chemotherapy of malignant urological tumours in very close cooperative with the affiliated professional disciplines of internal medicine (nephrology, oncology, gastroenterology, cardiology and endocrinology), radiation, gynaecology, surgery and geriatrics. Moreover, it is in a position to offer its patients ultra-modern treatment concepts that meet the latest scientific standards and access to innovative treatment methods. We are pleased that you are interested in our work and hope to be able to offer you many helpful and informative innovations.

Responsibilities and Focal Points of the Clinic for Urology & Paediatric Urology

It is the responsibility of the Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology to ensure urological health. With the exception of kidney transplants, we offer the entire urology spectrum: Surgical uranology, radical pelvic surgery to address prostrate and bladder tumours with or without conservation of the nerves responsible for erections, bladder replacement through multiple types of incontinent and in particular continent urine discharge, such as for instance the orthotope Ileum neo bladder and the Mainz Pouch I, kidney surgery with a special focus on organ preserving kidney tumour surgery, prostate cancer brachytherapy, paediatric urology, endourology along with all types of urinary calculus therapy, andrology and neuro-urology.

Focal Activities of the Clinic for Urology & Paediatric Urology

  • Surgical urinary oncology
  • Sculptural reconstructive urological surgeries
    Supplementary designation: special urological surgery
  • Treatment of urinary stones
  • Medication-based tumour therapy
    Supplementary designation: medication-based tumour therapy
  • Incontinence treatment
    Management and coordination of the continence and pelvic base centre and
  • Andrology (supplementary designation: andrology)

We currently have 48 beds on two stations for the treatment of our patients. At our station, we treat more than 2,000 inpatients every year who are suffering from kidney disease, ureter and bladder problems, prostate or male sexual organ issues. We treat all diseases that arise in the urological discipline based on the latest scientifically accredited methods. We offer a broad spectrum of treatment options to be able to provide our patients with the respective most successful and most conservative therapy. It is our goal to restore our patients’ health as quickly as possible. The fact that we are successful is evident in the very short average hospital stay of just 5.5 days.

Professionally competent medical personnel work at our clinic around the clock every day. We perform around 4,500 outpatient treatments each year based on referrals from urology or paediatric offices, or in the case of emergency patients, in modern and fully equipped functional and outpatient facilities. Two digital x-ray systems reduce the radiation exposure of patients to a minimum. Many urological interventions can now be performed endoscopically with great success. For this purpose, we have three special surgery suites at our disposal, which are equipped with the latest technology. We perform major tumour surgery at the central surgery tract of the Städtische Kliniken Mönchengladbach GmbH.

Our clinic boasts the following unique services

  • A very broad treatment spectrum
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Outpatient chemotherapy
  • An interdisciplinary approach working closely and regularly with the clinics for
    • Gynaecology
    • Internal medicine, especially nephrology and gastroenterology
    • Surgery
  • Advanced and continued training through periodic continence conferences, the tumour board as well as regional and supra-regional conventions

Awards & Certifications

Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Quality report (ca. 3 MB)

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