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Patients & Visitors
Patients & Visitors»Admission
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To optimally organise your stay at the hospital, the hospital administration needs some data and information from you or your family members. Obviously, these data are subject to data protection. They are collected by the patient admission department in the foyer of the hospital. This is also where you will be able to review the hospital’s general contractual terms and the hospitalization cost scale.

The admission staff will refer you to the respective station once your registration is complete.

Business Hours of the Admission Office (Admission Offices in the Foyer of the Main Building)


 07.00 am – 4.00 pm

Outside of these hours, the admission procedures will be handled by staff on the stations.


If you are a member of a statutory health insurance plan, you will not have to concern yourself with the payment of your hospital bill. However, during your stay, you will have to pay the statutory co-pay for the health insurance plan of currently EUR 10.00 per day (not to exceed 28 days per annum) to the admission office.

Upon request, accompanying individuals may also be admitted.
Please contact the station management.

Awards & Certifications

Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Siegel Alterstraumazentrum

Qualitaetssiegel Geriatrie

Wir sind Teil der Hygiene-Initative - keine Keime - keine Chance für Multiresistente Erreger

Aktion Saubere Hände

Siegel Qualität und Transparenz

Ausgezeichnet für Kinder 2022-2023

Focus Money Bester Ausbildungsbetrieb

Zertifikat HFU Schwerpunktklinik

Zertifikat Kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie


Keine Keime

Beste deutsche Klinik Website

Siegel Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem


Quality report (ca. 2,8 MB)

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